flexible schedule
public liability
health & safety
Office Painting Contractors
We provide reliable, hassle-free, quality decorating to office buildings across the South East of England.
We deliver medium and large scale projects in the commercial sector such as office buildings and properties.
We are accustomed to the needs and demands of the working world and can be flexible on our scheduling so as to cause minimal disruption to your working hours.
We are covered by Public Liability Insurance and have all of the necessary Health and Safety documents that may be needed.
We also keep strict protocols in place regarding sanitisation and social distancing as well as PPE.
Our aim is to work with our customers and so if you require the work done only on weekends or during specific hours we will work with you to do so.
The schedule of works is agreed with the customer prior to the work starting. And then any changes that occur during the job can also be accommodated.
Painting Contractors you can trust
Client Testimonials
We have hundreds of reviews, recommendations and references.